Uncategorized April 7, 2022

Getting Fresh – Spring Cleaning

Getting Fresh

Flowers, vibrant colors, fresh air calling us to emerge from our winter homes. Calling us to reenter into the fullness of community. Calling us to revitalize our homes with new energy brought to us through the gift of the sunshine and warmer temperatures.

I love how the cycle of the seasons bring about a newness to life!  The New Year and the spring both generate a fresh excitement and vitality. While the new year might just be the arbitrary flipping of the calendar that inspires our changes; the spring inspiration comes directly from the sunlight warming our bodies and awaking our senses. That energy boost organically moves us into action, drawing us outside into our communities, greeting our neighbors and ready to revitalize our homes inside and out! So I’m ready to Get Fresh in this new season – in approach to life, in my home and out in my community!

I don’t know about you, but I relish retreating indoors during the winter, staying cozy and warm, but as soon as those signs of spring start appearing, I’m ready to ditch my fuzzy blankets and find my hiking boots and picnic supplies!  If you’re a PNW native all it takes are temps above 50 and filtered sunshine and were ready to barbeque!

Warming up

I feel the same as all the bright green leaves slowly unfurling with the warmer temps. Emerging from winter for me means literally leaving my couch and being out after 7pm! Just a bit more daylight is a such an invitation to head out to say hi to neighbors, get more outdoor exercise, watch the kids playing and riding bikes again, fetching the mail by actually walking to your mailbox not just hanging out of your car window!  Its all those little things that add to the change of mindset with the change of season.   And that shift in energy really inspires me to get cleaning, organizing and DIYing all over the place.

Cleaning up

The term Spring Cleaning isn’t a cliché for no reason!  All that sunshine gives us energy to tackle

projects, but also highlights what tasks to get after like how dirty our windows are! After the winter hibernation, prioritizing those cleaning projects seems easier to attempt and accomplish. And the spring is a great time to freshen up your home indoors and out.   If you’re in need of inspiration and direction for your indoor spring cleaning – check out this ultimate spring cleaning guide!

https://www.bhg.com/homekeeping/house-cleaning/tips/spring-cleaning-guide/    For me as a homeowner, I delight in getting my hands dirty and spending some spring time in my garden and yard. Outdoor work is by far my preferred type of housework and I love to loop my kids in on the work as well.   Planting our garden is always a favorite bit of spring yard working fun!  Some guidance for outdoor work comes in handy as well, check out this schedule for April tasks to undertake.


After you get your home and yard spruced up for the spring and summer, you’re ready to take the spring energy out into the world.

 Getting out

It feels as if we’ve experienced a 2 year winter, with the last couple of years lacking the fullness of community experience.  Hopefully with Covid safely behind us, this spring and summer will be a season filled with neighborhood events and celebrations.  Locally, here in Gig Harbor a couple of our favorite events haven’t had the same vitality or even existence during the Covid era.  So this year we’re ready to once again gather to celebrate our town’s history with our annual Maritime Gig Festival.  This beloved event brings together our humble beginnings as a fishing village and our vibrant current life as a rapidly growing community welcoming for all ages and stages of life.  A couple other local favorite events include the Uptown Easter Eggs hunt, Gig Harbor Beer Festival in May and Summer Sounds at Skansie Park all summer long!


How else are you feeling and harnessing the spring energy friends?  Does this spring have an added boost as we get back to “normal”?!  However that zest of spring affects you, I hope that it finds you in health, ready for the change of season and the newness it brings.